Directions from Cleveland
Interstate 90 East to Route 306 South (Mentor/Kirtland) Exit 193 South on Route 306 for 1/3 mile to Kirtland Road
Turn right onto Kirtland road at second traffic light
West on Kirtland Road for 1/3 mile
The Kirtland Country Club entrance is on the left-hand side.
Directions from Erie, Pennsylvania
From Interstate 79 merge onto Interstate 90 West via Exit 178B toward Cleveland
Take Route 306 Exit 193 toward Kirtland/Mentor
Turn left onto Route 306
Turn right onto Kirtland Road
West on Kirtland Road for 1/3 mile
The Kirtland Country Club entrance is on the left-hand side
Directions from Akron
From Route 8 merge onto Interstate-271 North toward Interstate 90
Interstate I-271 North becomes Interstate 90 East
Take Route 306 Exit 193 toward Kirtland/Mentor
Turn right on Route 306
Turn right on Kirtland Road
West on Kirtland Road for 1/3 mile
The Kirtland Country Club entrance is on the left-hand side